

Moving house is often reported as one of life’s most stressful experiences (apparently it can age you by 2 years!) And a recent study by YouGov has shown there are a number of obstacles and frustrations that prevent people from doing so.

I moved house this weekend, my 8th move in my adult life. I live with my boyfriend who is lucky enough not to be tided down by location in his work, so (rather selfishly I often feel) the moves are down to my current circumstances. However we now rent a house (rather than flat) with lots of space inside and out and are close to my new job, saving me both time and train fare.

Don’t get me wrong, this weekend has been tiring, we seem to have massive furniture that won’t fit in or out of most regular sized doors, family (with vans) have had their weekends stolen in order to help out, my back is aching, I have no Internet, TV signal, fridge or washing machine, we have been robbed in the form of estate agent ‘admin’ fees, all of my clothes are creased, we’re nowhere near finished unpacking and then there’s the previous flat to clean so we can try and cling onto our previous bond!


1. Although there is always compromise involved in moving – it does gives you the chance to gain things previously missed or wanted. In our case – a second bedroom, an off road parking space, a garden, the ability to walk to work… etc.

2. It’s a great opportunity to have a clear out. Recycle, sell or give to charity – all these things are beneficial. And going through all your belongings and knowing where you’ve put them away again adds some order to everyday life.

3. It’s a good chance to re-assess. What better opportunity for a fresh start? Your routine is probably going to change so get in there early, ditch the bad habits and add something new to it – a run after work or getting up half an hour earlier, get involved an local events, for example.

4. Make it your own. I love to make things, so for me this means sewing some new curtains or cushion covers but it could be trying a new colour on the walls or investing in some new furniture. Spending time on the appearance and layout of rooms can really affect on your mood while in them.

5. Embrace the new! Moving to a new area gives you new places to explore and things to try. Even if you’ve stayed in the same area you’ll probably have new neighbours to meet and new surroundings so make the most of it!


Have you moved recently – how did you find the experience?

Do you have a tips for a successful move and a happy new home?