I’ve noticed #primaryschoolmemories is trending on Twitter. It’s been entertaining reading through . It’s actually amazing how little of my primary school days I can actually remember :S

I think another great reason for putting this blog together is to help me to remember things, but also to be proud of what I’ve done. I could be a bit of a trouble teenager and think this is one of the reasons I’m always working to improve myself, to show I’m not really so bad (!) (my Grandpa proudly told me recently, that I was becoming quite a home-maker. I took this as a great compliment).

Today I went for a run! Yeahhh!! It’s was only round the block, and only lasted a couple of songs on my playlist, but I’m pretty sure I live on one of the longest streets in London (as anyone who has taken the train to come visit me will know!) The plan is to build up on this. One day I will be fit!

Shopping at the weekend I filled my fridge with some nice fresh healthy treats – I had some lovely oily mackerel for tea (I imagine this will make some people hurl – but I’m the one with the Omega3s)! This is my lunch for tomorrow. Couscous with spring onions, mint, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice and crayfish tails.  Image

I’m hoping these things, longterm, will give me more energy day to day. I bought this energy spray while on the hunt for some herbal remedies, this weekend – tastes nice – I will update on whether it works.

I’m just sipping on some Lapsang Souchong tea – very smokey flavour. My favourite is Jasmine – green teas are a fab way to feel good from the inside and to fill you up when you want a little snack!


  • Favourite tea flavours anyone?
  • Any advice on vitamin/herbal remedies for energy and a busy lifestyle?

Mondays guilty pleasure = Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (pretty embarrassing actually, but somehow I’m there every Monday!)